Kabar terbaru menyusul artikel pertama, pihak Dorna akhirnya membatalkan race karena pihak medis sedang fokus menangani Simoncelli. Sebuah keputusan tepat untuk menghormati kondisi Simoncelli yang rumornya dalam keadaan kritis. Buat brother semua….mari kita berdoa semoga sikribo bisa segera sembuh. Amin (iwb)
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lbih bk simonc blpn’y ad nggregt’y drpd stoner lari trus ky lht setan ngjar..
super sic meninggal dunia . .
Simoncelli was die.
dia gk tertolong akibat luka parah di kepala.
good bye simoncelli
i pray for simoncelli… god bless you… rest in peace …. jesus will be give the best for all , specially for you… You are the best one… simoncelli… you are a hero for race maker… Love you… jesus bless you and your family… AMIN…indonesia pray for you…
Turut berduka atas meninggalnya marco simoncelly
Thank GOD because the death of marco. I love that accident. I hope there is no more rider as jurk as marco. Marco is bad rider who dont ever care about other rider. Remember Pedrosa? he got accident because of marcos act. Lorenzo, Dovisiozo, also Valentino Rossi, all of them have almost get accident too because of marco act. Now, Marco got what he has to get. I hope, Heaven and hell will close the door for marco.
Selamat tinggal m. simoncelli semoga bisa di terima di sisi tuhan…
‘selamat tinggal forever’
selamat tinggal forever simoncelly….
@dommy show some respect bro… shit hole